
Why specialist conferences are indispensable for project managers - and how you can really benefit from them

Discover why specialist conferences are essential for project managers and how you can benefit enormously from practical knowledge, workshops and networking.

Why specialist conferences are indispensable for project managers - and how you can really benefit from them




Sure, you have a lot to do. Every day you're juggling deadlines, budgets and the next challenge that will keep you on your toes. But what if we told you that at a specialist conference, you could find exactly the tools and ideas to help you take it all to a whole new level?

Imagine you're at an event, surrounded by experts and like-minded people. One of these experts provides you with exactly the solution to the problem you are currently facing. Another presentation helps you discover a new tool that will massively increase your efficiency. Find out in this article what the true value of specialist conferences is for you as a project manager!

Konferenzpublikum von hinten, das einem Redner zusieht, der ein Diagramm präsentiert


Practical knowledge that really gets you ahead

Apropos Mercedes-Benz...

...experience an exclusive presentation on the Mercedes-Benz hall ramp-up at COMAN Collaboration Days 2025, the new specialist conference for successful project management.

CCD Speckers

Workshops that give you the turbo boost

Specialist conferences are not just for listening. Workshops are the real booster. Here you can apply your knowledge practically and integrate it directly into your day-to-day work. You not only get the theory, but also the tools that you can implement immediately.

And the best thing? Many workshops offer you a certification at the end that documents your newly acquired skills. Not only will you go home with fresh knowledge, but also with concrete proof that will spice up your CV. So you can confidently take on the next challenge - well prepared and with a clear advantage!

Networking that really matters

Drei Personen, die sich an einem Stehtisch unterhalten. Im Hintergrund eine Messewand zum Maschinen- und Anlagenbau

You know how important it is to have the right contacts. At a specialist conference, you meet people who understand your challenges and goals. You can exchange ideas, build valuable relationships and find partners for future projects.

And what's special: The discussions are not superficial - they are focused, productive and often lead to real, long-term collaborations. No small talk, but real connections!

A look into the future of project management

The world of project management is constantly changing. New technologies, methods and tools are coming onto the market - and they are revolutionizing the way we implement projects. At specialist conferences, you get an exclusive insight into how the industry is developing and which trends you should keep an eye on.

What if you already knew today which digital tools will improve your work tomorrow? These insights will not only help you to better manage your current projects, but also prepare you for the future.


Auf der rechten Seite ein U-Boot, auf der linken Seite eine Ankündigung für die COMAN Collaboration Days mit Titel, Ort und Datum

Why you shouldn't miss the COMAN Collaboration Days 2025

Now you're probably asking yourself: Where can I find all these opportunities? It's simple: COMAN Collaboration Days 2025, where you will experience top-class presentations from Mercedes-Benz, BMW, EDAG and other industry leaders who will share their best practices and experiences with you. And that's not all: in practice-oriented workshops, you will learn how to lead your project management into the digital future.

The best part? You can exchange ideas with other project managers, make valuable contacts and develop your skills. So you're not just there - you go home with real added value!

So, what are you waiting for? Don't miss this opportunity to take your project management to the next level and take the next big step in your career. Be there - at the COMAN Collaboration Days 2025!

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