
Part 4/10 ✅ Focus on project progress: The role of schedule management - Trust through regular communication with suppliers

Learn how optimized planning can improve project progress during the implementation phase. Regular reviews, daily status reports and adaptability are crucial.

Part 4/10 ✅ Focus on project progress: The role of schedule management - Trust through regular communication with suppliers




Part 4/10 ✅ from our experience report on Schedule management. Nadine Lücke-Fischer and Jens Theberath share their insights and invite you to leave suggestions and questions in the comments.

Trust through regular communication with suppliers

In part 4/10 of our experience report, we emphasize the importance of regular status updates, open communication, constructive feedback and clear escalation processes for improved collaboration with suppliers. Suggestions and questions are welcome!

1. Status updates

Regular status updates promote trust and ensure that everyone is on the same page. These updates should be clear, precise and regular.


2. Open door policy

An open door policy encourages suppliers to communicate problems at an early stage. This creates an atmosphere of openness and collaboration.


3. Feedback culture

A culture of open feedback helps to avoid misunderstandings and improve collaboration. Feedback should be constructive and respectful.


4. Escalation processes

A clear escalation process ensures that problems are quickly forwarded to the right place. This helps to find prompt solutions and avoid major problems.


5. Documentation

Documenting all communication processes thoroughly helps to create transparency and avoid misunderstandings. All important decisions and agreements should be documented.


In short

Regular and open communication strengthens trust and improves collaboration with suppliers. Trust can be fostered through status updates, an open door policy, feedback culture, clear escalation processes and thorough documentation.

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