Part 5/10 ✅ from our experience report on the topic Schedule management. Nadine Lücke-Fischer and Jens Theberath share their insights and invite you to leave suggestions and questions in the comments.
Effective resource management is crucial to avoid bottlenecks and achieve project goals on time. A thorough needs analysis, regular availability checks, efficient resource utilization, outsourcing and continuous monitoring are key factors.
A thorough analysis of the required resources is essential to avoid bottlenecks. This includes the identification of all necessary materials, tools and personnel resources including availability (vacation, technical availability, etc.).
Regularly checking the availability of resources helps to avoid surprises. This can be done by regularly taking stock and comparing it with the project plan. Short-term changes should also be taken into account.
Using resources efficiently ensures that they are used optimally. This requires careful planning and monitoring of resource utilization.
In certain situations, outsourcing can be an effective method of avoiding bottlenecks. External providers can provide additional capacity at short notice.
Continuous monitoring of resource utilization helps to avoid waste and increase efficiency. This can be done through regular reports and analyses.
Effective resource management is crucial to achieving project goals on time and avoiding bottlenecks. Resource management can be optimized through thorough demand analysis, regular availability checks, efficient use, outsourcing and continuous monitoring.