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Integrated project delivery (IPD) with COMAN: efficiency and collaboration in the construction industry

Written by Mats | Jul 9, 2024 9:20:49 AM

Integrated project delivery (IPD) with COMAN: efficiency and collaboration in construction

In today's construction industry, efficient and collaborative project delivery is crucial to success

The IPD (integrated project delivery) model has proven to be particularly effective in this regard by involving all key project stakeholders in a joint process from the outset.

How can project management software such as COMAN support this model?

First of all, the basics. What is the IPD model anyway?

What is the IPD model?

The IPD model, also known as Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) or Project Alliancing, promotes the early involvement of all key stakeholders - clients, designers and contractors.

A multi-party contract, shared risk/reward model, guaranteed cost reimbursement and extensive waiver of liability are key elements here.

In addition, operational approaches are based on lean principles that increase efficiency and promote a cooperative working culture.

Essential characteristics of the IPD model include:

  • Establishment of a multi-party system
  • Early involvement of key stakeholders
  • Joint risk management
  • Joint decision-making
  • Incentive system as part of compensation management
  • Use of collaborative working methods
  • Solution-oriented conflict management
  • Cooperative attitude of the participants


How does COMAN support the IPD model?

Project management software like COMAN plays a crucial role in implementing the IPA model. Here are some ways in which COMAN supports this method:

  1. Collaborative work platforms: COMAN facilitates collaboration between different parties through transparent communication and project tracking. Everyone involved has access to relevant information and can work together efficiently.

  2. Lean methodology support: With features such as open points boards and Gantt charts, COMAN helps to increase efficiency and make optimal use of resources, which is in line with the lean principles of the IPD model.

  3. Risk management modules: COMAN offers specialized modules for identifying, assessing and monitoring risks. This is a central element of the IPD model and ensures that potential problems are identified and managed at an early stage. Find out more about the COMAN dashboard here

  4. Documentation and transparency: COMAN ensures comprehensive documentation and transparency in the course of the project. This promotes a cooperative attitude and facilitates solution-oriented conflict management.

  5. Conflict resolution mechanisms: With tools for logging disputes and automatic notifications, COMAN enables conflicts to be resolved quickly and transparently.


Using COMAN in integrated project management not only increases efficiency and transparency, but also promotes collaboration and trust between project participants. Learn more about how COMAN can make your next construction project a success.