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From Theory to Practice: My Exciting Journey as an Intern at COMAN Software

Written by Mats | Jul 19, 2024 10:04:55 AM

From theory to practice: my exciting journey as an intern at COMAN Software 🚀

Hello, my name is Johann Reinecke and last week I completed an internship at COMAN Software.

As a student on vacation, many people think there are better things to do than work. At COMAN, however, I learned that things can be different.


First day: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, dear Mats

On my very first day, I'm surprised by balloons and cake; it's the birthday of one of the employees and my supervisor. I realize very early on that COMAN is a very special company.

With this stormy start, the COMAN family immediately takes me in, as does the marketing team, which I accompany for the following week.


The amazing software and the team behind it

The next day, Marcus showed me the impressive software behind COMAN's products and the people behind them. From the technical masterpieces of the developers to the creative strategies of the marketing team, I familiarized myself with the company.

The main focus of the internship, media design, was a lot of fun and the immense amount of thought that went into every single design decision surprised me.

I learned about new tools and websites - all under constant fire (someone had started another NERF battle).


Design, design and more design

My mentor and COMAN's marketing designer Kimia showed me the ins and outs of her job and how to capture the attention of different target groups.

Together we overcame the quests and challenges that the marketing boss Mats threw our way. 😎


Meetings that are fun and efficient

When I attended a marketing department meeting, I was completely blown away.

Never before had I experienced such a smooth combination of serious topics and humorous contributions - a meeting that was obviously fun for everyone involved and at the same time got them closer to their specific goal.


Motivation until the last day

When such a working day draws to a close, there is no feeling of relief, but rather the urge to get going again the next morning and give it your all.

At the end of my internship, I look back on the cool time I had at COMAN and can tell you that you can build a super young and fresh company with passion, humor and a little discipline.



If this article has whetted your appetite for COMAN, why not visit their website?

Have a great day - big thanks to the marketing team and COMAN for this opportunity - go for it!