interesting articles about project management, tips and more

Part 2/10 ✅ Effective recording of defects - the basis for successful problem solving

Written by Nadine | Jun 5, 2024 9:00:37 AM

From our experience report blog series on defect management, Jens Theberath and Nadine Lücke-Fischer share their insights and invite you to share your own experiences. 🤳

In a well-organized defect management system, the effective recording of defects is of crucial importance. But what exactly does that mean?

In this article, we will list the 5 most important steps in recording defects. So, let's get started!

1. Comprehensive documentation

Every defect, big or small, should be carefully documented. This includes not only a description of the defect itself, but also relevant details such as location, time, responsible persons and other relevant information.

2. Clear classification

A clear classification of the recorded defects is essential. This can be done according to various criteria, such as severity, type of defect or affected system. This enables targeted analysis and rectification.

3. Uniform recording methods

It is important to use standardized methods for recording defects to ensure consistent data collection. This may include the use of standardized forms, digital recording tools or specialized software

4. Simple reporting processes

To ensure that defects can be recorded quickly and efficiently, clear reporting processes should be established. This can include the provision of simple reporting forms, hotlines or digital platforms for reporting defects.

5. Regular review and updating

The recording of defects should be a continuous process that is regularly reviewed and updated. New defects should be recorded promptly, while old entries should be reviewed and updated or closed as necessary.

In short

The effective recording of defects forms the basis for successful defect management. Comprehensive documentation, clear classification, standardized recording methods, simple reporting processes and regular inspections allow defects to be recorded and rectified efficiently. It should be ensured that all defects are recorded, even minor ones.