
Part 1/10 ✅ Defect management in everyday project work - the new blog series

In professional defect management, a clear definition of defects is of crucial importance. But what exactly does that mean?

Part 1/10 ✅ Defect management in everyday project work - the new blog series




Clearly defined defects: the heart of effective defect management

In professional defect management, a clear definition of defects is of crucial importance. But what exactly does that mean


1. Precise identification

It must be possible to identify a defect precisely in order to be able to rectify it effectively. This means that it must be described clearly and comprehensibly so that no misunderstandings arise.


2. objective criteria

The definition of a defect should be based on objective criteria that are understandable to all parties involved. This ensures that defects cannot be interpreted subjectively, but are based on clear standards.


3. classification by severity

Not all defects are equally serious. A good definition makes it possible to classify defects according to their severity in order to prioritize remediation. This facilitates the efficient allocation of resources.


4. Clear communication

Clear definitions facilitate communication between all parties involved, be it between contractors and clients, within a team or between different departments. This ensures that everyone has the same idea of what counts as a defect and how it should be rectified.


5. continuous improvement

The clear definition and documentation of defects creates a foundation for continuous improvement. By systematically recording and analyzing defects, causes can be identified and measures taken to avoid similar problems in the future.


In short

Clear definitions of defects are at the heart of effective defect management. They form the basis for precise identification, objective assessment, clear communication and continuous improvement.

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